Dec 28, 2014

2014 ... It's a Wrap!


Dan and Beth celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on December 25. 


 age: 16. 
grade: 10th
height: 5’11”
weight: 190 pounds
hobbies:  reading books (especially military and history), discussing politics and current events and dancing.



age: 15
grade: 9
th height: 5’2”
weight: 85pounds
hobbies: reborns (a collectible type of doll), cake decorating and taking care of Manny.



age: 13
grade: 7
th height: 5’11”
weight: 130 pounds
hobbies: electronics, reading, handy-man things.



age: 11
grade: 6
th height: 5'1 1/2"
weight: 104
hobbies: legos (and Halo), reading and baking sweets




age: 9
grade: 4
th height: 4' 5 1/2"
weight: 60
hobbies: listening to music, exercise, Just Dance





age: 5
grade: Kindergarten
height:  46 inches
weight:  55 pounds
hobbies: ipad (minecraft, angry birds/bad piggies, Catapult King), running in Big Red (his wheelchair), and playing with his siblings


Thanks to all our friends and family for your love, prayers and support.