No, I'm not having a mid-life crisis.
No, I don't have amnesia.
No, not multiple personality disorder either.
- Christian - I am a laid down lover of Jesus Christ. I was born and raised in a Christian home and am doing my best to raise my children in a Godly manner
- Wife - Married 16 years to a wonderfully understanding, loving and patient man, Dan. Together, we pastor Destiny's House Church near Tampa, Florida.
- Mother - to 6 all adopted with special needs. Jacob 13, Kaley 12 (African American siblings formerly from US foster care). Sam 10, Luke 8 (Caucasian siblings formerly from US foster care). Zoe 6 (Chinese from Taiyuan, Shanxi China). And Manny 2 (Guatemalan, but born in the US).
- Speaker - Motivational and Keynote Speaker for over 15 years.
- Program Director - Started and run a non-profit Destiny's Crossing We are in the process of starting an orphanage alternative for orphans in Northern China.
- Trainer - Master Trainer for Dale Carnegie Training.
- Singer/Songwriter
- Author - "Zoe, a Cool, Cleft Kid: A Journey with Cleft Lip and Palate", "Journey in Foster Care" children's book series; Currently writing "Handpicked: Choosing the Special Life" (a book about parenting adopted special needs children).
- Completed my course work for her PhD in Human Resources Development (Business Training) with minors in Business Management and Statistics from the University of Toledo
- MA in Educational Psychology from the University of Toledo
- BA in Psychology from the University of Texas at Dallas
- BA in Theology from Ambassador University