Nov 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Kaley

11-11-99 a tiny little girl was born in a home in Tampa, Florida.  Her birthmother called 911 after the birth.  Paramedics arrived and the baby was taken into foster care under the "Safe Haven" program as the birthmother said she wanted the baby adopted.  She had several medical complications but eventually was released from the hospital. 

2-14-00 we decided to be her parents!  One of the happiest days of my life.  Starting the next day, I visited her every day until our foster/adoption paperwork came through.  

3-23-00 was the first night she slept in our house.  While she was "only" a foster child at the time, I never even realized there was a chance she wouldn't stay with us forever.  (Glad I didn't know that.)  That night she was sleeping next to me and we were just looking at her, staring at her.  We prayed over her that night.  And there were times I would cry tears of happiness as I prayed ... and every single time, without fail, she would let out a small whimper every time.  It was then that I knew we were connected in a unique, special way. 

Today, on 11-11, she turned 11.  Cool birthdate, huh?  We made cake.  Kaley wanted a cat for her birthday but settled for a cake version.  This was entirely made by her.  She mixed it.  She baked it.  She frosted it.  She decorated it.  So creative! 

I got her this new jean jacket and really cool new purse and couldn't believe how grown up she looked! 

What are some special things about Kaley?  She is one of the most responsible people I have ever met in my life.  She has this innate ability to just "know" how things work.  She is incredibly creative.  She thinks outside of the box.  She is becoming a great Mama type person.  I think our hearts beat as one.  I can see so much of myself in her. 

One day when she was little she told me she wished she had been grown in my tummy.  She was angry she wasn't.  She wanted to go back to little and do it over again and that way our skin would be the same, our hair would be the same, she would be 'big' like me.  Eventually she got past that and seems to understand.  But what she hasn't come to see yet is what *I* know ... she was born in my heart.  And THAT is why our hearts beat as one. 

My tiny, precious little girl who is as big as anyone I know.  I Love You Big Girl!

1 comment:

  1. Your little girl is s larger than life sprite.

    I love the details shared here about your early years that I hadn't heard before. She is a treasure and so are you.

    God is so cool. Happy Birthday, Kaley!!
