Oct 22, 2009

Collecting donations for Ayis

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a foster mother or a caretaker of babies?  Have you wondered what it's like to pour your life and your love into a child only to see them leave? or worse, die? Have you ever wondered what YOU might be able to do to say "Thank you" for even just one of these wonderful nannies? 
Zoe's Foster Mother/Ayi

The countdown is on. (If I'm not delirious from the lack of sleep with all the H1N1 and pneumonia around here) I leave in 19 days for China.

Last trip, I collected donations (monetary and "stuff").  As a result, we were able to purchase hundreds of pairs of shoes and socks. We bought 2 refrigerators and 2 washing machines.  We got diapers, wipes, formula, bottles, etc etc. 

For this trip, I haven't asked for donations ... and I'm really rethinking that decision.  While this will be a "smaller" type deal this time, I would still love to be able to live donations in all the places we are going.  And since I'm going to be spending most of my time with the caretakers this time, I'm wanting to give some small gifts of appreciation to them as well.  (I did foster care for 9 years and I know how hard it is to care for a child only to see them die or leave.)

So ... with that in mind.  I know that times are tough.  Most of you are stretched to the max financially.  I understand.  But if any of you are in a position to help ... even just a bit, that would be awesome.  If that is cash, great.  If that is a few supplies and mailing it to me, wonderful.  Even one gift for a caretaker?

If you are wanting to give via paypal ... go to www.destinyshouse.com/shoes.html and click on "Make a Donation".  If you want to give a check or send donations, email me and I'll send you my address. (goredan @hotmail.com). 

If you cannot give ... NO PROBLEM and no guilt.  I still need other things so email me for that too.

Thanks for all the love and support.

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