Little by little, bit by bit. That's how a plan comes together. I don't know about you, but I get *giddy* when I start to see how the pieces of the puzzle fit.
Today I got an email from the director of the Taiyu*an SWI (orphanage) and he says he is very excited to see us again ... and it was one of his greatest hopes to meet one of the children adopted from there. He's asking what all WE need!
Truthfully, what we *Need* is the open door to help him. We want the "all clear" that we can actually serve the children of that province. We need his help for that.
When we were there in March, we went down to Hong T*ng and had a very interesting day. We saw some of the children in foster homes there. (That was a bit "strange".) We ended up having a marvelous lunch with the director and his staff - along with all our entourage! (We started out with 1 Chinese person helping us and by the end, there were 12 I think was the final count!)
But while there that day, I got the experience of a lifetime. I got to meet Zoe's foster mother, in her home. It was an hour full of tears and laughter. There wasn't a dry eye in the place (including the Director's) as these 2 women shared stories of the little girl they both loved so dearly. At the time, I was so engrossed with the actual experience that I was unaware of anyone else but that foster mother. But looking at pictures (thankfully I had friends with me to snap away), I saw how intently he was watching the interaction.
Fast forward ... I want to propose to him that I open a children's home there ... to have a foster home component. My selling feature? That moment.
In his letter to me, he actually mentioned the Hong T*ng visit as one of the most memorable moments of his life. (That's a good sign, don't you think?)
Meanwhile, there's yet another person who has great insight into this process (been doing it for over 10 years) who has offered to give advice. People are bending over backwards to help us. (I hope that continues.) And she has been working with Taiyu*n as well.
More to follow! But this is getting exciting. I leave in 3 weeks from tomorrow.
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